Indigenous-Led Events Happening in Ontario (October Edition)

Tagwàgi Festival is a celebration of all things Indigenous in Ottawa.

The event promotes and provides authentic Indigenous programming, an Indigenous Makers and Farmers Market, interactive creative workshops, culinary delights, and a chance to meet the rare Ojibwe Spirit Ponies!

La ferme Mādahòkì à la rescousse des chevaux ojibwés

Tout inclus | La ferme Mādahòkì, à Ottawa, prend soin de chevaux ojibwés, dont la race était presque éteinte dans les années 1970. Des programmes de reproduction pour conserver la pureté de la race ont porté fruit. On compte maintenant plus de 180 de ces chevaux indigènes dans le monde. L’ambassadrice culturelle Rae-Anna Whiteduck a fait découvrir les parallèles entre l’histoire de ces chevaux et les peuples autochtones à Vincent Poirier du magazine télé Tout inclus.

Raising Capital: A Family Trip to Ottawa

DINE Magazine | Mādahòkì means share the land, and the 164-acres Mādahòkì Farm is a new agritourism venture by Indigenous Experiences. Here, they care for the land as though the land is going to care for their children. “What we feed the Earth, the Earth feeds our kids,” I’m told. These First Nations have lived off the land as long as the land has been able to sustain them, only taking what they need and allowing the land time to replenish itself.

Exploring Indigenous Cuisine

LCBO Food & Drink | June marks National Indigenous History Month—recognition of the diversity and culture of Indigenous
Peoples in Canada. Here are some ways to experience Indigenous cuisine in Ontario this summer.