Raising Capital: A Family Trip to Ottawa

DINE Magazine | Mādahòkì means share the land, and the 164-acres Mādahòkì Farm is a new agritourism venture by Indigenous Experiences. Here, they care for the land as though the land is going to care for their children. “What we feed the Earth, the Earth feeds our kids,” I’m told. These First Nations have lived off the land as long as the land has been able to sustain them, only taking what they need and allowing the land time to replenish itself.

Exploring Indigenous Cuisine

LCBO Food & Drink | June marks National Indigenous History Month—recognition of the diversity and culture of Indigenous
Peoples in Canada. Here are some ways to experience Indigenous cuisine in Ontario this summer.

March Break at Mādahòkì Farm

CTV OTTAWA | Cultural ambassadors from Mādahòkì Farm were on the set of CTV Morning Live to talk about the exciting activities happening during March Break.